Skoolie? Vanlife? Shuttle? Full Time RV?
Everything you need is right Here!
Researching Products and Procedures for a Bus Build, Shuttle, or Van Conversion can lead you all over the web and overwhelm you with information. - We couldn’t find a central location that really put it all together, so we made one. This website will show you everything you need to build out a Bus or Van RV-Conversion. It will also give you some in-depth instruction on how to put it all together.
“The Ten Commandments For Life On The Road”, will give you true and real insight from old pros. It is full of things to consider about completing your Build and making it to The Road, as well as living your best life once you’re there!
It doesn't matter if you're just beginning to daydream about a Nomadic Lifestyle, if you're an avid camper who want's to take it to the next level, or if you've been doing research for a while and are maybe overwhelmed with all the options and variables.
Our goal with the book, and at is to help you sort it all out, avoid common pitfalls and costly errors, simplify and streamline your research, and find out what most long-term Nomads had to learn the hard way!
Here you’ll find the best and most popular RV, Skoolie, and Vanlife Solar Components, Cooking Appliances, Refrigeration Options, Water, Laundry, Toilets, Heating & Cooling, Digital Nomad Tech, RV Accessories & Storage, Camping & Hiking Gear, and Off Grid Items. - All of these are Products that we have personally used, have great reviews, or come highly recommended by trusted sources.
Ready to Get Started? - Check out our Tutorials Page for Instructions, Charts, Insight, and Books that will kick-start your Build and explain some of the mysteries of Full Time RV, Skoolie, and Vanlife.
Tap/Click the menu, scroll down for Categories, or use these shortcuts to find what you need! - Tutorials - Solar - Lighting - Cooking - Refrigeration - Water - HVAC - Tech - Accessories - Gear - Swag.
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Skoolie Conversion tips from The Driver’s Seat!
Planning a Skoolie Conversion, Short Bus Conversion, Sprinter Van Conversion, or a simple Van Camper? How do you choose the best RV Solar panels or portable solar panels for Digital Nomad, Skoolie, or Vanlife? What’s the the best RV Cooktop, Refrigerator, and WiFi Booster for living off grid? It seems to be a favorite topic of the Full Time Nomad Community. - Click around the site for our suggestions, recommendations, and How To Tutorials for General Information, Off Grid Advice, Skoolie Design, and Setup ideas from Start to Finish.
Building a DIY Short Bus Conversion, or even a simple School Bus Camper can be overwhelming, but is well within your grasp! - The advances in RV Solar make Off Grid Power a reality. RV Cooking, Off Grid Water Storage, a Compost Toilet, and Solar Shower can fit into a small space and bring you all the comforts of home, even in a Small RV, simple Van Camper, Promaster, Transit or Sprinter Van Conversion! We have several Tutorials with Van To Camper Conversion Ideas, and many ways to keep your Bus RV Conversion Cost low.
Skoolie, Vanlife, Off Grid, and RV Accessories: Find Skoolie, Vanlife, and RV Accessories, RV Parts, Off Grid Gear and Gadgets on the HVAC, Tech, or Storage Page. Update your Skoolie, Vanlife, or RV Refrigerator, RV Stove, RV Battery, or Solar Panels For RV. Find Skoolie and RV Supplies such as an RV Toilet, RV Water Pump, RV Air Conditioner, or RV Awning. - It’s all here! Let The Adventure Begin!